akathist, prayer liturgical
Akoluthia to Bless a Mill
Priest: Blessed is our God, always, now and ever and unto the ages of ages.
Reader: Amen.
Priest: Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.
Heavenly King, O Paraclete, the Spirit of truth, who art everywhere
present and fillest all things, the treasury of good things and bestower of life,
come and tabernacle in us and cleanse us from every stain and save,
O Good One, our souls.
Reader (trisagion prayers):
Holy God (3x)…
Glory…both now …
All-holy Trinity …
Lord have mercy (3x) …
Glory…both now …
Our Father…
Priest: For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, of the Father and of the
Son and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages.
Reader: Amen.
The priest makes the holy water, and with it he says these prayers:
Priest: Let us entreat the Lord.
Reader: Lord have mercy.
Priest: O Lord Jesus Christ, only-begotten Son of God the Father, who hast deigned in
thy mercy to love us thine unworthy servants and to guard against every evil our
life on earth, by giving to thy faithful ones as bread thy Precious Body, we entreat
Thee, in they mercy and they goodness, to bless this watercourse, this millstone
and this building, where the grain shall be transformed into flour and into food
for the sustenance of the human body; as well as to the healing of the ailment of
souls, which from this same flour we receive the bread of the Eucharist. Thou
Thyself, O Lord, hast said that the time will come when two women shall be
grinding at the millstone one of them shall be taken, the other left. O God of
mercy, see our weakness and bless this mill so that it remains intact, sheltered
from winds and storms, and sanctify it so that it be always efficacious and
available for the accomplishment of its useful service to nourish men, so that,
fortified by food, they may in turn serve thy goodness and thy majesty. Yea,
O all-good Lord, accept our prayer and grant us all that which is useful, by
blessing and sanctifying the work which our hands accomplish for our use and
profit, and for the glory of thy Name. And we prostrate before Thee, pray to
Thee and send up glory, thanksgiving and worship, to the Father and to the Son and
to the Holy Spirit, now and ever unto the ages of ages.
Reader: Amen.
The priest sprinkles the mill with holy water and then the faithful present; he makes the apolysis.
Grand Euchologe, pages 574
Translated by Schema-Archimandrite John (Lewis +2007) 1996
Minor edits made by Mother Andrea
NOTE: This English-language translation has not been approved by any liturgical commission. As it does not appear in the English-language Book of Needs, but yet is in the Grand Euchologe, it is being offered simply as scholarly work from the works of Schema-Archimandrite John (Lewis +2007).

Elaborately decorated Serbian kolach for celebration of a Slava Feast

Historic Mabry Mill along the Blue Ridge Pkwy. in Virginia.

Historic mill in Abingdon, Virginia.

The newly restored mill where Saint Silouan labored in obedience, at the Holy Monastery of Saint Panteleimon on Mount Athos.

Fredonian Mill ruins in Mount Athos, Virginia.
Photo by Kipp Teague

Restoration of George Washington’s grist mill at Mount Vernon. Pictured are gears for driving the millstones.
Photo by Kadin2048
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