Service of the Synaxis of All the Holy Doctors


by Metropolitan Kyrillos of Rhodes,

translated By Bishop Spyridon of Amastris. 

In 2021, the Greek Orthodox Church established the Sunday following the Sunday of the Holy Fathers of the 7th Ecumenical Synod as the Sunday of the Synaxis of all the Holy Doctors. This date was chosen because it falls close to the Feast of the Synaxis of the Holy Unmercenary Physicians (Oct. 17/30) and that of the Feast of St. Luke the Evangelist (Oct. 18/31), who was a doctor.

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by Metropolitan Kyrillos of Rhodes,

translated By Bishop Spyridon of Amastris. 


In 2021, the Greek Orthodox Church established the Sunday following the Sunday of the Holy Fathers of the 7th Ecumenical Synod as the Sunday of the Synaxis of all the Holy Doctors. This date was chosen because it falls close to the Feast of the Synaxis of the Holy Unmercenary Physicians (Oct. 17/30) and that of the Feast of St. Luke the Evangelist (Oct. 18/31), who was a doctor.

On this day, the Greek Church honors medical doctors and all those in the healthcare industry for their essential contribution and ministry to mankind. The Feast and this Liturgical Service convey the Church’s concern regarding the spiritual care for every sick and suffering person and sheds light on the need for dialogue between the medical community and the Church. It further provides a network for those in pastoral care to work with those in the health sector on vital topics such as depression, suicide, euthanasia, abortion, stress, and other contemporary issues.


Vespers, Matins, and Divine Liturgy parts. Modern Greek/English side-by-side. 

Movable Feast is celebrated the Sunday after the Fathers of the 7th Ecumenical Synod. 


From the text:


Ministering at various times by the commandment of love you now share in the sweet repose of Paradise, healing all who cry unto you:

Hail assembly filled with honor,

Hail, supreme companionship,

Hail, heavenly assembly of the God-bearers,

Hail, synthesis of those who love God,

Hail, multitude of thrice blessed doctors called by God,

Hail, choice beehive of holiness, of glorious healers,

Hail, mystical fragrance of compassion,

Hail, noetic torchbearers of philanthropy,

Hail, bright torch of grace,

Hail, meadow filled with flowers faith,

Hail, celebratory gathering of the friends of Christ,

Hail, harmonic song of the chosen of God.

O precious assembly, rejoice!

Oikos after Ode 6 of the Matins canon


Come let us praise the multitude of devout Doctors who shine like stars among the chorus of the Saints. They loved God practicing medicine in His name. Imitating Him, they lived benefitting humanity and healing all. Wherefore we cry out to them, “O men of God, who with the power of Grace lived the Gospel while on earth and now joyously revel in heaven, make us worthy of your curative gifts, healing the passions of our souls and bodies.”

Vespers Lord I have Cried


The text also honors the female physicians among the Saints:


Let us praise with great honor the worthy pair of sisters, Philonilla and Zenaida, for panged by their yearning for Christ they lived a pure life sharing the grace of healing with all.”

Ode 5 of the Matins canon


Let us honor the God-befitting doctor Kallistheni, the lovely daughter of Avdactus the martyr. She offered her virginity as a dowry to Christ the Bridegroom.”

Ode 6 of the Matins canon


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