monastery musings
The Grand Duke Wladimir Kyrillovich of Russia Book
Now Available!

Excerpt from the book:
“…a Knight of unblemished Russian dignity and honor … the Grand Duke completely accepted the sacrificial task of carrying out the heavy duties and responsibilities of representation, and even more: the leadership of the thousand-year-old Dynasty of the Russian Imperial House, who are the historical descendants of the Byzantine Empire: the founders of Christian culture.”
Page 4
“Along the way, in varying ways and attitudes, the citizenry of Saint Petersburg witnessed … the presence in their midst of Him who might in happier days have been their Tsar. Some disregarded what was happening before them, eager to carry on their work of the day oblivious to anything beyond the desperate search for food and sustenance, the drab drudgery of Lenin’s Promethean hubris. Others stopped to watch in curious and inquiring silence. Still more smiled and waved enthusiastically to the Imperial Family, while a smaller number stood at attention solemnly crossing themselves in Orthodox fashion or with military salutes witnessing the deeply planted loyalty and devotion to the monarchy of their Motherland, so long the secret of their hearts.”
Page 24
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After 70 years of Soviet Communism, few instructors in America teach that Imperial Russia had been a great ally of the United States and of many other countries, providing various types of aid throughout the world. A magnificent book has compiled articles from leading historians documenting this aid. Read how Russia helped the US win the War of Independence, provided aid to help defeat Napoleon, and more in this beautifully illustrated book. This is a great addition to any library and makes a perfect gift.
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